Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thursday, April 1, 2010 -- April Fool's Day!  And this fool has a list of "to do" items to complete before leaving early tomorrow morning.  Wash and wax the car, go to the bank, purchase a magnifying glass, fill the tank, clean out the refrigerator, check all windows and doors, change the sheets on the bed (it may be the only time they get changed between my leaving and my return), trim the herbs and pull back the English ivy that is invading the flower bed, pack, load the car, take pictures of the front and back yards showing how things looked when I left.  Double check everything.

Roger's plane leaves at 9 something which means he will need to head to Detroit by 7:00 or earlier.  I plan to get up and head out the same time he does.  I will go west to Jackson and then head south to Richmond, Indiana.  Richmond is not only a mecca for antique hounds, it is also the home to a museum and gallery honoring early jazz greats -- Starr Gennett Historic Site & Gennett Recording Studio Walk of Fame.  Neither Roger nor I knew of this nearby jazz destination but Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Bix Beiderbecke, Hoagy Carmichael, Tommy Dorsey, "Jelly Roll" Morton, Joe "King" Oliver, Fats Waller, and others recorded at this little and little known studio in the heartland.  In addition to the museum, there is the "walk of fame" with three-dimensional, cast bronze and colored tile mosaic emblems in the form of 78 rpm phonograph records featuring the Gennett label design and an artistic mosaic rendering of the represented musician. A smaller, bronze plaque is installed next to each record to recognize the accomplishments of the inductee(s). 
There is also a chocolatier located in Richmond.  A definite stop in spite of my hope to lose weight while on this journey.  Remember, chocolate has known health benefits and I owe it to myself to take advantage of them.  Starting late tomorrow, pictures will be included in this blog giving you a visual to go along with my ramblings.

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