Saturday, April 17, 2010

On the Road Again, Part II

The last couple of days I've been visiting Jeana in Bozeman.  My time with her, Dave, Emma, and Mike was warm and welcoming.  Jeana took a day and a half off to play host to her big sister and it definitely paid off for me.  We had time to visit, share stories, hike, and antique. 

Bozeman has grown up since I last visited and perhaps, so have I.  The location is lovely and the town has all the flavor of a college town with a Western bent.  I've stories to share but will do so over time.  Tonight I'm just going to upload a few pictures and then go out to eat.

On the road to Bozeman

Walking in Bozeman
Some of the snow left from the six inches Jeana called me about.
                                One of the many wonderful views seen from Bozeman.

                                We hiked a bit in the Missouri Headwaters State Park.

Beaver dam seen on our walk.
One of the three rivers that will join to create the Missouri.
To give you an idea of the plant life just before spring makes its presence fully known.
This is a buffalo jump.  Native Americans would drive buffalo herds over the cliff and thus secure their food for the winter.  This was before they used horses, bows and arrows, and guns to hunt these animals.

I'm back on the road heading east.  This is a view of Wyoming just before I turned off to see the Devil's Tower.

You can actually see the tower from farther away.  It looks eerie as from a distance it's the only thing that sticks up on the horizon.  Totally out of place.  But then, as you drive closer, you find yourself in a wonderful valley with pine forest and live stock grazing in fertile fields.  It looks more like my idea of Colorado near Boulder than it does the scenery only 37 miles away.  Again, to see the pockets of beauty in this land, you need to go down into the valleys.
This view is across from the view of the Devil's Tower below.

I got here late in the afternoon so didn't do much exploring around this.  I wanted to get a room in Spearfish before it got too late.  I'm thinking I'll stay in Spearfish two nights.  It's also close to Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and Deadwood so I can make a day and evening of it tomorrow.  Deadwood is not the deserted town I thought it was but rather is a hot night spot with casinos in the saloons.  Truly a Wild West experience, I'm thinking.  Stay tuned...

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