Monday, August 29, 2011

Peach Pie Thoughts

It occurred to me this morning as I devoured my SECOND piece of fresh-from-the-oven pie that I would be very roly-poly were I living in a more temperate climate.  You see, today began cool and crisp and fall-like and everything in me was ready to bake.  Because we had just purchased peaches from a local farmer, I made peach pie.  Had it been like it was in July -- hot and humid -- I would never even think, much less, feel such a thing.  My need to be in the kitchen begins and ends with cool temperatures so ever since I noticed the small signs of fall, I've been thinking soups, stews, chili.  Add to such thoughts, pumpkin pie, home-made bread, and Christmas cookies.  Is it a wonder that I manage to gain weight in the fall and winter and then have to work it off during late spring and summer?  So as the last fragrance of cinnamon and peaches wafts through the house and I sit here, my tummy full and my senses gratified, I'm hoping for Indian summer and if that doesn't happen, a good dose of self-discipline.

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