Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Spring at Home

Spring arrived in Ann Arbor, late but glorious nonetheless.  What I've noticed, however, is that it came and went in the blink of an eye.  The tree below moved slowly into bloom and began dropping petals almost as soon.  Looking out my window now, it has very few blooms left, lots of brown petals drooping, and yellow green leaves taking their place.
The daffodils below lasted longer than the tree blooms but today there are few left and those that are, are shrivelled and brown.
The rhododendrons below lasted a bit longer than the tree blooms but not as long as the daffodils.  All the petals are gone now and new growth is taking their place.

The pear tree below is a new addition to the yard.  It, as you can see, did very well this spring.  Blooming late, as with everything else, it lasted about a week before starting to lose petals and move into spring green foliage.

The tulips, as with everything else, bloomed late and didn't last long.  They, however, had another reason for disappearing fast.  We have a couple local groundhogs and several squirrels that seen to enjoy eating the blooms. 

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