Thursday, March 3, 2011

Exsurpise at Sixty Plus

Here I am sixty-one going on sixty-two and I am doing something I never did before -- exercising.  Well, that's not exactly true.  Over the years I've done the aerobic thing and the running thing and the yoga thing.  I've sweated to the oldies but prior to July this past year I never lifted weights or worked with a personal trainer.  I'm doing both regularly now. 

My workout lasts an hour and during that time my trainer puts my body through the wringer.  A warm-up on the treadmill, leg work, upper body work, crunches, balance  and stability work, and stretches are all a part of the routine.  I sweat and I pant through this and I never look as happy as any of the folks in the photos below!  My happiness comes when I put on my street clothes and head for home.

At home I work with two and three and four pound weights.  With my trainer, I have progressed up to twelve pounds.  Doesn't sound like much, does it?  But believe me, it took hard work to get that far. 

The trainer helps me do these exercises with good form.  Who knew?  I've learned that to get the maximum from my efforts, form matters.  And believe me, for the money I'm paying I want to get the maximum!

Something I really love about working with a trainer is that she tailors my routine to my age, my condition, and my needs.  Balance?  I figured I was doing pretty well.  After all, I haven't fallen except years ago when my dog wrapped his leash around my legs.  But the things she has me do have challenged me and I definitely can tell I'm much more stable on my feet.  Winter ice offers little challenge for me now.  When I do feel myself slipping, I can tell I regain my footing ever so much more quickly.  And doing exercises using equipment that promotes a bit of instability?  Never heard of such a thing prior to working with my trainer.  And yet, it's clear to me that having to maintain stability while doing a variety of exercises uses more muscles with less effort and thus, results in greater returns and less fatigue.

When I first started exercising, it was suggested that I walk on the days I don't workout.  That was easy to do during the summer and through the fall but I admit that winter was an obstacle I didn't overcome.  I tried going into the gym and using their equipment but having never embraced gym in any form, I found myself making excuses to not go.  It's something I'm going to have to overcome as I just learned my cholesterol is high.  If I walk regularly and continue the workouts and watch what I eat, I know I can get it back to the normal range without having to take medication.  That's my goal. 

Funny, I workout with my trainer twice a week and am very regularly working out on my own another once or twice a week.  No problem there.  I think it's a guilt and self-preservation thing.  I refuse to spend money and not get the benefit.  Also, I'm unwilling to hurt any more than necessary and pain is what I'd feel if I didn't keep up the routine on the off days.  Before getting the blood work results, I didn't feel too guilty about not walking though.  I knew I'd get back to it once the weather warmed up.  But now?  Well, guilt and self-preservation may serve me well in this, too.  We'll see.

This lady looks a bit older than me but oh, my, what a body!  I'm hoping to have arms and abs like hers in the near future.  Crunches are probably my least liked exercises but can't argue with the results.

Squats.  Hmmmm, this is one of the form exercises.  In fact, it doesn't look to me like this lady has very good form.  Her knees should not project past her toes which can be achieved by sticking your butt out and sitting back.  Feels funny and probably looks funny, too, but I'm told better to have good form and do fewer than to do more and do them incorrectly. 

This is the part I like best -- the stretches.  Ahhhhhh...

So, while these pictures are not of me, they depict the activity I engage in three to four times a week.  At 5:45 am I crawl out of bed, brush my teeth and wash my face, put on my workout clothes and moan, groan, sweat, and pant my way through an hour of exercises.  I never thought retirement would include working out.  Ever.  Exercise exsurprise!

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