Friday, January 14, 2011

False Advertising

So I write the annual Christmas letter and send it out to friends and family proudly sharing my blog address with the claim that I average about one entry a week.  The last entry was November 12th!!!!  I've not lived up to my advance advertising!  And I apologize.  To say I've been busy is true but an excuse nonetheless.  I've been enjoying the holiday season and indulging in numerous activities, many of which involve eating and drinking, family and friends, laughter and love.  A worthy set of diversions and a testimony to my priorities, not in the order presented however.  All that is Christmas will come to an end this weekend, January 15th, when we see the Chicago Jacksons.  Do check back here now and again.  I will be posting entries now that winter has settled in and the holidays begin to fade into the past and my routine returns to normal.

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